
Date: 2022年9月10日 / September 10, 2022

Re: New School Year in 2023 / 2024

亲爱的学生和家长们, 您们好!

时光飞驰,我们又迎来了一个新的学年 (2023 / 2024)。

本学期仍将采用面授(在 Fraser Height Secondary School) 和网课的教学方式。一旦学校局同意租用 Margret Princess Secondary School 的教室,也会在此采用面授的教学方式。


为此,请大家在新的学年里,如果看到有线拦住的地方,请不要越过。上课不嬉闹、不打闹; 下课也不打闹、不追逐、不攀爬。以创造一个良好的学习氛围和环境。

另外,为了帮助老师管好班级纪律,我们希望有人能帮学校做义工。 若有意愿,请在下面的表格填写您方便的时间,然后交给学校。


李 艾 萍 (校长)

Dear Students / Parents,

The new school year (2023/2024) is started again.

We will open “In person” classes in Frazer Height Secondary School this term and will open the in-person classes in Margret Princess Secondary School if received a permission from the schoolboard. At the same time, we also open on-line classes.

During the new school year, we would like to wish all students improving Chinese language, as well as following the school rules in order to prevent any injury or damage if we are back to classroom to learn the language.

Therefore, please don’t enter any place protected by a Rope. Any attacking, chasing or climbing is not allowed any time in the class / school in order to create a good environment for all of us.

In order to keep the classroom order, we are looking for volunteers. Please fill in the following application form if you are able to help, and hand the filled form over to the teacher.

Thank you very much!

Aiping Li (Principal)

义工申请表 (Volunteer Application Form)

学生姓名 (Student Name):                           家长姓名 (Parents Name):                         班级 (Class):                 按顺序填写您方便的时间 (Please fill in the available time in an order): 1)                 2)                 3)